Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Even the stars came to Earth to hear Anathema

The group gave a stellar performance on October 18th at the Joy Eslava venue in Madrid

In early September, Anathema won the award for best live performance of the Progressive Music Awards. After seeing their show on October 18th at the Joy Eslava Venue, Madrid, it is only natural that they won. The group from England, offered an amazing concert which invited the viewer to explore and feel the music in the depths of their being.

Normally, people associate metal music with headbanging and people jumping up and down waving fists filled with spiked bracelets in the air. Few know the depths that can be found behind that music. Anathema is a group that has gone beyhond traditional metal creating a unique progresive atmospheric sound that invited refluction while seducing the listener.

The concert was an example of what the group who has been working for more than 10 years, can achieve. At a quarter to nine, even though there were still people coming in and a few asking for leftover tickets at the door, the first chords introducing the group to the stage began to ring. Untouchable I and Untouchable II, two songs from their latest album, "Weather Systems" were the first songs to fill the theatre.

The venue was packed but unlike other concerts in which too much people can be a burden, here, Anathema created a sense of intimacy and closeness with the audience.

It’s an impossible task to appease everyone, but Anathema tried to satisfy as much people as possible going back in time to play songs from older albums that date back as far as 1998. They even played songs never before heard in a Madrid stage, such as two out of the three songs played from their album  "Judgment”, Deep, Emotional Winter, Wings Of God.

The set of stage lights, the powerful voice of Vincent Cavanagh mixed with David Cavanagh and the angelic voice of Lee Douglas left the audience stunned, listening and nodding to the rhythm of the melancholic sound of the music. Lyrics were whispered and not shouted at full potential, almost as if the audience were afraid of breaking the magic being created on stage. It was only under the encouragment of Vicent or David when songs were chorused loudly, with bodies writhing to the beat.

A Simple Mistake  from the album "We're here Because We're Here", was introduced as a song about the beauty of life, followed by Lightening, Storm Before The Calm and The beginning and the end.

Attendees were amazed with the show, but many gasped with Natural Disaster. The group called for public input to illuminate the room with their phones while the mirror ball flashed through every corner, giving the impression that the sky had dipped to Earth to listen to Anathema.

Since then, emotions seemed to overflow. Some wept openly with "Flying", others concentrated on the stage, staring fixedly or shaking their heads rhythmically while others closed their eyes, imagining only they know what.

The encore brought two more songs, Fragile Dreams and Internal Landscapes, as well as more tears when Vicent thanked the audience for having bought tickets that cost almost 30euros:  "We know the situation in Spain and we appreciate you coming tonight."

Wrenching voices, emotional lyrics, beautiful music. The Anathema concert in Madrid was an experience hard to tell in words for it was more than a sensorial experience, it was extrasensory. Vincent Cavanagh which was signing along with the rest of the group, records, shirts and stickers at the merchandising stand, said that the Madrid show was the best so far. We don’t doubt that it was indeed something worth living.  

Daniel Cavanagh’s last words were: "Adios Madrid, hasta luego, hasta la próxima.” (Goodbye Madrid, see you soon, until next time).  See you soon, Anathema, we’ll be looking forward to it. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sonata Arctica visits Madrid and Barcelona

The Finnish group will be visiting Spain on November 16th and 17th

The power metal band, Sonata Arctica, will act in Madrid on November 16th at Sala La Riviera and Barcelona on November 17th at Sala Razmatazz. The group will be accompanied by Finnish heavy metal band, Battle Beast.

Sonata Arctica, led by singer and songwriter Tony Kakko, will be introducing their 7th Studio album, “Stones grow her name” to the Spanish audience. The new CD includes different elements and musical instruments rarely used in metal, such as banjos or saxophones and includes vocal collaborations from artists such as Timo Kotipelto from Stratovarius.

Tickets can be acquired at www.ticketmaster.es at a price of 25 Euros plus processing fees. 

En Español: 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Metal band Therion announces important changes

The group from Sweden will cease production of future albums to create a Metal/Rock opera

Christofer Johnsson, founder of Therion announces that the group will not make any more albums or go on regular tour for the next five to ten years. The reason for this pause after 25 years of hard work is non other than the creation of a real metal/rock opera.

Paid by Christofer himself due to differences with their record label, Nuclear Blast, Therion’s latest album “Fleurs du mal”, can be bought during concerts or at their official store for the price of 15euros. Their last tour, The Flowers of Evil Tour will present new themes and revisit old classics as well as take advantage of the presence of a keyboard player among their team to play songs such as Land of Canaan or Via Nocturna, which make no sense without that key element.

Besides this final tour, Therion is in the process of creating a special art and musical project to celebrate their 25 years as a band. Also in lieu of this, Christofer will spend as much time as possible at the merchandise stands, answering questions, signing CD’s or taking pictures with fans.

For more detailed information, please visit: http://www.megatherion.com

En español: http://www.lahuelladigital.com/la-banda-de-metal-therion-anuncia-una-pausa-de-varios-anos/

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Anathema visitan España

El grupo inglés pasará por Barcelona y Madrid durante el mes de octubre. 

Uno de los mejores grupos de metal progresivo, Anathema, visitará Barcelona y Madrid los próximos días 17 y 18 de Octubre respectivamente con motivo del lanzamiento de su último trabajo Weather Systems, Anathema actuará el día 17 en la Sala Apolo de Barcelona y el día 18 en Madrid en la Sala Joy Eslava. Los teloneros elegidos para ambos eventos han sido la banda Astra, natural de San Diego, EEUU. 

Creada en 1990 por Vincent y Daniel Cavanagh como una banda de doom metal, Anathema ha ido cambiando de estilo a lo largo de los años hasta situarse como una de los grupos de referencia del metal y el rock progresivo.  Tal y como explica Daniel en la página web, “la música de Anathema no es para irse de fiesta sino para conmover al oyente”. Letras que exploran la vida, la muerte, la luz, o la oscuridad mezcladas con una cadencia única que invita al oyente a olvidar todo cuanto le rodea. Ganadores del premio Progressive Music Award 2012 como Mejor Actuación en Vivo, la música de Anathema no deja indiferente a nadie. 

Las entradas para los conciertos se pueden adquirir en http://www.ticketmaster.es


Friday, July 27, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises: Film Review

I am not a fan of superhero movies and I have never followed comic books. Sure, I’ve watched Spiderman, Thor, X-Men or The Avengers and I’ve even glimpsed at a few pages of one comic book or another, but superheroes are usually not my thing. I find the movies entertaining, but beyond that, they don’t do much for me. However, Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies are something different. 

I’ve watched all three films in the cinema and have always left my seat dwelling on them. The Dark Knight Rises, which I watched last night, was no different. If only, I believe that this final installment in Nolan’s Batman trilogy has been the superhero film that has most affected me.

It’s been almost 24 hours since I watched the film and I find it impossible to forget. Snippets of the movie keep popping into my brain. I have analyzed and reanalyzed the story, the scenes, the character’s movements and words and have concluded that perhaps what makes this flick so fantastic is its actors.

There is no doubt that Nolan has worked with some of the best: Gary Oldman (which I adore), Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (interesting that he should also be participating in a Batman film like his Ten Things I Hate About You deceased co-star, Heath Ledger), Anne Hathaway or Marion Cotillard. The characters were brought to life with the tears of Michael Caine, the pain of Christian Bale, the innocence of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the desperation of Anne Hathaway and the brutality of Tom Hardy, to mention a few.  The characters were no longer caricatures swept off a few colored pages, but real, living, breathing human beings with emotions.

Then again, the cinematographic quality of the film was also excellent. Nolan is capable of showing the true dark nature of Gotham city: the decadent atmosphere, the tragedy, and the blinding storm that strikes with no mercy.

I sat through 165 minutes of film on the edge of my seat, engrossed one hundred percent with the story and its characters. The Dark Knight Rises went from being just another entertaining superhero movie, to an amazing film.

I’m not a comic book fan, I’m not a super hero fan, maybe it could have been done better, maybe the previous movies were better, but I still think that The Dark Knight Rises is well worth watching, even if only to create your  own impressions.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Festival Costa de Fuego: dos días de playa, sol, Metal, Rock y Hardcore

Festival Costa de Fuego: dos días de playa, sol, Metal, Rock y Hardcore

Los días 20 y 21 de julio Benicàssim acoge este nuevo proyecto musical en el que actuarán bandas de la talla de Marilyn Manson o Guns n’ Roses.

En el entorno natural del desierto de Las Palmas se inaugurará este mes de julio un nuevo proyecto dedicado a la música rock y metal en todas sus vertientes: el festival Costa de Fuego.

Esta nueva andadura empresarial viene (Leer más)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Cult visitan España

The Cult visitan España

The Cult regresan a España a mediados de julio para presentar su último trabajo “Choice of Weapon”

La banda de origen británico The Cult llegan a los escenarios españoles de Barcelona y Madrid este mes de julio. El martes día 17 la actuación tendrá lugar en Barcelona en la sala Razzmatazz, mientras que el miércoles día 18, será el público madrileño quien podrá gozar de ellos en la sala La Riviera.

Creada en 1983 la banda liderada por Ian Astbury y Billy Duffy inició su andadura musical con un estilo post-punk. Con los años la banda evolucionó hacia el hard rock y el heavy metal. Con más de 12 álbumes a sus espaldas, el grupo cuenta con éxitos como “She sells sanctuary”, “Rain”, “Spiritwalker”, o “Fire Woman”.

Debido a tensiones entre los miembros del grupo, la banda se separó en 1995 para reunirse una vez más a principios del año 2000. Tras varios altibajos y nuevas separaciones, The Cult, está actualmente formada por Ian Astbury, Billy Duffy, John Tempesta, Chris Wyse y Mike Dimkich.

Las entradas se pueden adquirir en http://www.ticketmaster.es

Monday, July 2, 2012

¡Hemos vuelto!/We're back!

¡Bienvenidos una vez más a Two Times M! Después de esta larga pausa regreso para contaros las últimas novedades musicales y cinematográficas.

Hoy vamos a centrarnos en la música. Mi idea era hablaros de los conciertos que tendremos el privilegio de ver este verano en Madrid, pero son escasos. Sin embargo, al estar investigando he descubierto que a partir de octubre la cartelera musical se pone interesante.
No obstante, en el mes de julio tendrá lugar el concierto del grupo de los 80 The Cult. Actuarán el día 18 de julio en la sala La Riviera y el día anterior en Barcelona en la sala Razzmatazz. El grupo liderado por Ian Astbury y Billy Duffy regresa a los escenarios con su nuevo disco “Choice of Weapon”.

A partir de Octubre…

A partir de octubre la cosa se pone interesante. Visitarán nuestro país: Delain, Therion, Arch Enemy, Anathema, Doro, Sonata Arctica y Dark Tranquility entre otros.

El día 13 de octubre el grupo de rock gótico, Delain, presentarán su último disco “We are the Others” en la Sala Caracol.

Cinco días después, el jueves 18 de octubre, Anathema, banda de culto dentro del rock progresivo y atmosférico, tocaran temas de su siguiente álbum “Weather Systems” en la Sala Joy Eslava.

El viernes 26 de octubre la música se vuelve más oscura y gutural con Arch Enemy y la voz de Angela Gossow. “Khaos Legion” es el último trabajo de la banda sueca, que actuarán en la sala La Riviera.

Entrando en el mes de noviembre el primer grupo que (de momento) pasará por España será Sonata Artica. La banda finlandesa de power metal actuará en Madrid el 16 de Noviembre en La Riviera y en Barcelona el día 17 en la sala Razzmatazz. ¿Su último trabajo? “Stones Grow Her Name”, un ambicioso proyecto con sonido de banjo incluido.

Una de las reinas del metal, Doro Pesch, ofrecerá un único concierto en Madrid en la Sala Arena el día 24 de noviembre.

Para acabar el día 8 de diciembre la banda sueca de death metal, Dark Tranquility, tocaran temas del pasado y del presente en la Sala Arena.

Las entradas para cualquiera de estos eventos las podéis adquirir en http://www.ticketmaster.es/ ¡Seguiremos informando!

To read the English version, click here!